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Our Work

Alpha Terrace has been involved in the development and maintanence of several different products. Most of these are SaaS-based applications, with an emphasis on cybersecurity and keeping user data private. In our most recent project, Alpha Terrace will be partnering with CABEM Techologies and Kansas State University to enhance a set of EPA-funded webtools and integrate into the Exchange Network.

EPA Exchange Network

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As a dynamic platform established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Exchange Network brings together government agencies, tribal nations, and various environmental partners in a unified effort to seamlessly share, integrate, and analyze critical environmental information. Alpha Terrace will be working closely with these respective groups as we work to make some of the KSU webtools an integral part and a data center for Brownfield sites and funding management and dispursment.

Solar Loan Portal

The Forbright Solar Loan portal is a SaaS web application used by Forbright Bank partners and admins to faciliate the process from beginning to end for applying for a loan for solar panels, inverters amd batteries. It consists of an end-user facing side, as well as an admin portal for configuration and user management.

Solar Loan Portal

Brownfield Inventory Tool (BiT)


The Brownfield Inventory Tool (BiT) is a comprehensive brownfield program management tool. You may enter detailed site data, upload documents and data, and generate and export a variety of reports, including a  Property Profile Form.  BiT users are asked to create a user name and password for privacy protection. BiT can also be used as a collaborative tool, i.e. specific inventory data can be accessed by multiple users, IF permission by the primary user is granted.

TAB EZ Grant Writing Tool

TAB EZ (Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) easy brownfields grant application (EZ) software program) provides a template, configured for the type of U.S. EPA Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), or Cleanup (a.k.a. MARC) grant application being written. Content written in TAB EZ can be exported to a Microsoft Word (.doc) file for final editing, formatting and packaging before submittal.

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